Background story
The Association pour le Développementet la Transformation Sociale (ADTS) is a public interests organization (Non-Gouvernemental Organisation) founded in Rwanda in 1998 and was legally recognized by the Rwandan Government in 2003 under Legal Personality No. 092/11 and has fulfilled all requirements for certificate of compliance by Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) with the new law number 04/2012 of 17/02/2012 governing the organizations and the functioning of national non-governmental organizations.
ADTS is created in the main purpose of:
ADTS has four organs to manage the work of organization; General Assembly composed of 32 members is the supreme authority of ADTS, internal audit committee and conflict resolution committee. Addition, ADTS has the National Coordination that facilitates the smooth running of the Organization and coordinates daily management of all ADTS programs.
ADTS envisages a society where all members are active, cohesive and autonomous and actively participate in achieving a just and prosperous world.
ADTS works for social transformation, sustainable and equitable development.
Innovation, Community involvement, Integrity, Self-reliance, Mutual respect, Participation, Solidarity and Partnership.
Our Objectives
The objectives of ADTS are defined according to his vision in order to contribute in creating a better world. ADTS has six main objectives as the following:
Promoting pro-poor and pro-vulnerable projects towards sustainable development
Creating a safe space for children, youth and women through building peaceful family’s approach
Promoting positive social change through Training for Transformation (TFT)
Promoting adult learning participative methodologies and active civic participation approaches
Education for peace, social transformation and sustainable development
Promotion of culture of saving, financial education and career guidance
Our Programs
Sustainable Community development and gender program
Capacity building and social Transformation program
Good governance and advocacy program
Research, information and documentation program
Our Approaches
Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
Voluntary Savings and Loan (VSL)
Development, Education, Leadership Teams in Action (DELTA)
Training for transformation (TFT)
Community score card (CSC)
Human rights Based Approaches to Programming (HRBAP)
Through these partnerships, ADTS has contributed to the promotion, empowerment and development of different categories of people (Women, youth, widows, teen mothers, couples, poorest, vulnerable, historically marginalized) and different communities in general.
TROCAIRE which has since 1998 supported various ADTS’s administration and institutional program activities and different project concerning peace, good governance, capacity building, unity and reconciliation.
Norwegian People Aid (NPA) has supported gender equality program and a number of project activities concerning GBV and policy monitoring as well.
CARE INTERNATIONAL in Rwanda has supported different projects focused on poorest economic empowerment focusing on culture of savings and sustainable development.
AREX has supported civil society strengthening project
World Bank has supported different project focused on unity and reconciliation
UNICEF has supported the project of capacity building on HRBAP.
KOREA HOPE FOUNDATION has supported Educating Teen Mothers Project with the main goal of empowering teen mothers in order to restore hope, improve socio-economic conditions and transform their lives conditions for better future.